Adolf Friedrich’s Angolan Colobus Monkey
The Angola colobus (Colobus angolensis), Angolan black-and-white colobus, or Angolan colobus is a primate species of Old World monkey belonging to the genus Colobus.
There are six recognized subspecies and one undescribed subspecies from the Mahale Mountains in Tanzania:
Angola colobus, Colobus angolensis
Sclater's Angola colobus, C. a. subsp. angolensis
Powell-Cotton's Angola colobus, C. a. subsp. cottoni
Ruwenzori colobus C. a. subsp. ruwenzorii (Thomas) See below gallery
Cordier's Angola colobus, C. a. subsp. cordieri
Prigogine's Angola colobus, C. a. subsp. prigoginei
Peters Angola colobus or Tanzanian black-and-white colobus, C. a. subsp. palliatus
Like all black-and-white colobi, the Angola colobus has black fur and a black face, surrounded by long, white locks of hair. It also has a mantle of white hair on the shoulders. The long, thin tail can be either black or white, but the tip is always white. There is a significant regional variation in the total amount of white on the body and the length of the fur. Animals that live in the mountains have longer, thicker fur than animals from the lowlands to protect them against the cold.
The Angola colobus has a head-body length of 50 to 70 cm, with the males usually being larger than females. The tail is about 75 cm long, and the body weight varies between 9 and 20 kg.
The Angola colobus occurs in dense rainforests, both in the lowlands and coastal mountains. It lives in most of the Congo Basin, to the south and northeast of the Congo River, as far as Ruwenzori, Burundi and southwestern Uganda. The species can also be found in East Africa, especially in the interior and coastal forests of Kenya and Tanzania and in isolated mountain areas. Although the species is named after Angola, it is quite rare in that country. Of all Colobus species, the Angola colobus occurs in the southernmost latitudes. The geographical range lies south of that of the mantled guereza. It is found up to 2,415 m above sea level in Kenya.
Adolf Friedrich’s Angolan Colobus (Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii) Nyungwe National Park Rwanda