Genus Peregrinus, Peregrine Falcon
American Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja Mexico

Indian Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus peregrinator) Tangjiehe Nature Preserve, China, Bueng Boraphet, Thailand

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center

ID Corrected to Common Kestrel ((Falco tinnunculus) Pathum Thani Rice Research Center
Peale’s Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus pealei) Olympic Peninsula, Washington, Kamchatka Russia

Japanese Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus japanensis) Yancheng Eastern China