The Javan surili (Presbytis comata) is a vulnerable species of Old World monkey endemic to the western half of Java, Indonesia, a biodiversity hotspot. Other common names by which it is known by include gray, grizzled or Sunda Island surili; grizzled or stripe-crested langur; Javan grizzled langur; grizzled, Java or Javan leaf monkey; langur gris.

There are two subspecies of the Javan surili:

  • Presbytis comata comata - Occurs in western Java

  • Presbytis comata fredericae - Occurs in central Java

This colobine species has a sacculated stomach to assist the breakdown in the cellulose from the leaves it feeds on. It has a small, slender face and tail, and large round stomachs. Its coloring ranges from dark gray to white. Leaf monkeys tend to be active during the day, spending up to 5 hours grooming themselves. 

Javan Grizzled Langur (Presbytis comata comata) Ujung Kulong National Park Java Indonesia