Expedition to Russia 2008 Family Gallery

Map of the Expedition to Russia, 2008 including Scandanavia, Svalbard, Europe

Red Square!

The "Candy Castle" is what Cokie dubbed Saint Basil's Cathedral

State Historical Museum

Orchids in town!

Anna Conception Cathedral in Serpukhov south of Moscow - a day trip to see the European Bison

Getting cherries in Serpukhov


Inside of Saint Basile's

Back in Red Square

Famous Moscow Subway - veritable museums in their own right

Izmailovsky Market, Moscow


Back to the subway!

The Kremlin! This day we saw Putin himself with the Chinese President, President Hu Jintao

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Classic Moscow scene

Elena delivering our tickets!

Our overpriced hotel - great location at $400 per night!

$50 water that I drank by accident!

Kremlin cathedrals

Assumption Cathedral

Kolomenskoe Blue Onion Dome Church

Kolomenskoe Park

Ancient Oak in Kolomenskoe Park

Polovtsian Woman, Kolomenskoe Park

Kolomenskoe Park

View from Kolomenskoe Park

Kolomenskoe Park

Our overpriced *($400/night!!!) Moscow hotel!

Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy Convent

Gorky's House

Gorky's House

Tolstoy's House

Cokie kept a journal throughout the entire trip

Gorky Park!

Che Burashka

Our pile! WAY over the luggage limits!

Our cabin for the next four nights

Our local translator!

The upper bunk

Cokie's nemesis

Basically our roommates!

Life in Russia from the Trans Siberian Train windows

Each stop - go get some snacks!

Our Moscow hotel

Moscow Grand Central Railroad Station

What blew my mind about the Trans Siberian Railway was how vast and endless Siberia is. Not just hours, but days passing through the Russian Steppe grasslands and birch forests and Taiga. Wow! Small villages with their wooden homes broke the grasslands up...

Very cool how virtually every home in Russia had its own veggie garden

Loved these towers - every town had their own style

Ussuriland & Primorsky Russian Far East

One of Victor Ludin's captive Siberian Tigers. Victor had several in soft release enclosures with the goal of releasing them eventually. Victor was a very eccentric man to say the least. He allowed only ONE image of the animals in a natural setting.

Victor on the right - he was totally in to Som. Actually inappropriately so...

Packed and ready to go!

Working our way through the dense vegetation in the wetlands leading to Lake Khanka

Lake Khank sunset

Cokie discovered a VERY fresh pug mark of an Amur Leapard that was made just hours before our arrival!


Kedrovaya Pad park superintendent, Irina Maslova and our guide, Ekaterina (Katya) Nenya

Trekking was always a blast for Cokie


Car trouble!

UAZ 452 - killer cars!

Camp America in Lazo

Cokie with a Siberian Roe Deer skull leftover from a Tiger kill

Antiques in the forest

Massive ancient Poplar tree in Lazo

Cokie being "one" with the butterfly. I will never forget he went from fear to acceptance to joy in a matter of a minute or two

We trekked and trekked and trekked Lazovsky

Scanning for Goral

Roman in a Asiatic Black Bear hollow tree!

Our beach hut

Scanning for Goral

Getting stuck in the beach sand!

Quality bridge!

Sveta and our ranger


Zhupanova River

Zhupanova River

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge

"Utinie" Lakes (Duck Lakes) at the base of the Vochkazhets Mountains and Topolovi Ridge. Our guide was a PhD in Russian Literature - brilliant!

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP - Whale rib bones

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Zhapanova River

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Kronotsky NP

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva - Cokie getting to operate the ship's crane - really!

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Avacha Bay

Avacha Bay

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

Life aboard the Marina Tvetayeva

This bloke sailed from Bering Island all the way to San Francisco back in the day!

While we were on this voyage, German PBS was making a documentary of the Commander Islands. I would love to see it as we did get quite a few sound bites in.

Deck party at 90F in the Commanders! IT is never this warm there - the entire time was absolutely spectacular
Vodka with the captain!
Nikol'skoe - our only civilization on this voyage. This is the only town in the Commanders

Som getting the Bering Island Polar Fox!

Our bunk!

Researcher's camp - cool talking to two English-speaking scientists who were studying the Northern Fur Seal colony on Bering Island

Cokie practicing his Tai Chi

Contrary to the Commanders, the Kuril Islands were freezing!

Captain! Great guy! We shared many shots of vodka during the voyage!

Irkutsk's claim to fame as a city was the number of old wooden houses still in existence. But with the number of burned out ruins we saw during our stay there was a testament to the arson there - getting rid of these old dwellings in favor of development....very sad.

The Decembrist movement is memorialized in this old house/museum

Supplies in Irkutsk fresh market!

Harlampiyevskaya Archangel Michael Church

Epiphany Cathedral

Our first view of our Yaroslavet!

Bad belly from rotten chicken kebabs!

Waiting for the worst ferry on earth - nearly six hours waiting our turn - even though we were in the front of the line! Locals and trucks were given the right of way over tourists

Buryat Culture everywhere!

Yes Cokie, that is exactly what you think it is!!!

Kuzhir village dinner!

Our lodging in Kuzhir village

Our first of many UAZ-452 Soviet vans! Nothing stopped these little beasts!

Buryat Totems

Ruins of a Soviet era Gulag on the shores of Lake Baikal. Literally in the middle of nowhere, I can only imagine the hellish conditions of the prisoners who perished there. Evidently nearly all of them died and this place was haunted!

Buryat totems everywhere

Kuzhir Village on Ohlkon Island

Lake Baikal
Life on the Lake - 9 Day Expedition on our Yaroslavyet

Never got the name of our Yaroslavyet fishing boat but here was our first sight of it!

Vova was our English speaking guide - he was just in high school! Son of one of the richest Russian Oligarchs

This vehicle is worth a long story one day!

Just amazing - so much fun. Ir we wanted to see something on the shore, we'd just steer the boat at good speed and roll in over the rocks on the shore! Pop goes the ladder and we're on shore!

Preparing the Arctic Char that Cokie caught! He caught over 80 fish! The crew had a technique of starting the engine props of our beached boat, the faster the props the more the Char tried to "swim upstream!" He didn't even need to bait the hook!

Just slam the boat on the shore! Let's camp here!

Vodka thirty!

Our 9 days with our Russian crew was awesome - we became family with everyone.

Hung over 555


Lake Baikal
Ulan Ude City, Buryatia Autonomous Region

Lake Baikal
Datsan Temple, Buryatia Autonomous Region

We were invited to be part in this ceremony of the "unburying" of a monk who was buried 75 years earlier. His corpse was soft and fresh as the day it was buried - truly amazing.

Our Buryat Guide

Our few days in the delta were spent at this small, simple lighthouse. We stayed and ate and drank with the lighthouse keeper and his lovely family. Our stay with this simple and kind Russian family is an experience my whole family will cherish always.

Most of our time on the Russian mainland was spent with Russian families - very hew hotels. Two only actually!

Lake Baikal Lighthouse


Buryatia is Russian Mongolia

Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve

A trip to the south of Moscow for some nature and to see semi-wild European Bison or Wisent!

Flooded forest caused by European Beavers