Lake Baikal Scenery & People

Various stops on our 9-day expedition in Lake Baikal

Our first shore of Lake Baikal after a long overland journey from Irkutsk

Incredible sunset over Lake Baikal from Ohlkon Island

The spectacular drive from Irkutsk to Ohlkon Island takes us through vast Russian Steppe grasslands and woodlands of birch and pine.

Kuzhir Village was our place for the night.

Buryat culture is omnipresent throughout the greater Baikal region

Amazing geology

Vast forests on all sides of Lake Baikal

Geologic folds were so clear on the north end of Ohlkon Island

Low lying fog was a daily occurrence in all regions of the lake

One of the best parts of our 9-days on the lake was how different the weather and scenery was... All seasons in one day!

Just pull the boat up on the shore and go for a trek!

A trek to interior gives us amazing views too

River mouths were great places to fish for Arctic Char

That lake-level fog was surreal

Moonlight dinner on the lake shore

Old wrecks were everywhere in Russian waters

Perfect stones well worn to roundness were common only on the east shores of the lake

The sand and dirt tracks on the way to Ulan Ude were very rough indeed

Back to the vast grasslands with fields of Iris heading toward Ulan Ude

Ulan Ude, capital of the autonomous region, Buryatia

Our final destination for the lake was the Selenga Delta in the southeastern sector of the lake

Flora of Lake Baikal and Surrounding Regions

Flora from the forests of Baikal proved to be the best medicine for a bad tummy!

Drink this and you will feel better!