Siberian Brown Bear
Nerpa or Lake Baikal Seal
Long-tailed Siberian Souslik (Ground Squirrel) (Citellus undulatus)
Lake Baikal Herring Gulls
Gray Heron
Common Crane - lucky to see a breeding pair that were still in the Selenga Delta

Domestic Goats
Lake Baikal Seal
Daurian East Russian Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes daurica) Olkhon Island Lake Baikal Russia

Most likely Daurian Red Deer tracks along the shores of Lake Baikal
Domestic Horse
Domestic Horse

Arctic Char

Arctic Char

Arachnid Species

Ruteline Scarab

Chrysomelidae Leaf Beetle

Geotrupinae Scarab Beetle

Lepturine Cerambycid Beetle

Monochamus sutor - Lake Baikal, Russia

Callidium violaceum - Selenga Delta, Lake Baikal, Russia

Dipteran species - Lake Baikal

Caddisflies along the "Shores of the Brown Bear", Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal Seal
Lake Baikal Seal
Lake Baikal Seal
Lake Baikal Seal
Teeth of the Nerpa - note the shape that aids in filter feeding
Long-tailed Siberian Souslik (Ground Squirrel) (Citellus undulatus)
Long-tailed Siberian Souslik (Ground Squirrel) (Citellus undulatus)

A big one ahead!

Common Crane
Eurasian Curlew in the Selenga Delta
Eurasian Curlew
Barrow's Goldeneye

Domestic Sheep
Horned Grebe
Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Grey Heron
Grey Heron in rookery in Selenga Delta region.

Daurian Jackdaw
Eastern Marsh Harrier (Circus spilonotus)
Northern Raven
Barn Swallow

Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Thailand, Russia
White Wagtail
Siberian Tiger in Victor Ludin's private tiger reserve
Siberian Tiger Pug in Kedrovaya Pad - literally this animal was less than a few seconds ahead of us!
More pug marks - this went on for over 2 kms

And more...
Kedrovaya Pad park superintendent, Irina Maslova, showing us very fresh tiger sign
Seconds ahead of us...
Irina inspecting a very fresh resting spot for a Siberian Tiger which paced us a few meters ahead of our progression.

The ground was still warm from the tiger who laid in this bed seconds before our arrival! We noted the grass rebounding slowly as well indicating a very recent departure (seconds max) of the resting tiger!
Cokie found this VERY fresh pug of the critically endangered Amur Leopard. Fresh meaning this day! It was raining today so the good shape of the print indicated it was very recent and not yet eroded by the rain
Amur leopard den - inactive while we were there but ample sign of regular habituation
Amur Leopard den
Rear entry for Amur Leopard den
An old kill inside the den
Most likely a Sika Deer mandible in the Amur Leopard den
Dybowski's Sika Seer in Lazovsky Zapovyednik Reserve, Primorye

Commander Islands Fauna
Prioksko-Terrasny Zapovyednik

Trans Siberian Railway Route to Irkutsk and Vladivostok

Primosky Krai Route - Kedrovayapad & Lazovsky Zapovyedniks as well as Lake Khanka

Kuril Islands


Overall Kamchatka, Commander Islands and Kuril Islands stops in 2008. Almost five weeks on live-aboard.

Lake Baikal stops - Ten days on our own Yaroslavyet Fishing Boat

Expedition to Russia overall view map

Overall Kamchatka, Commander Islands and Kuril Islands stops in 2008. Almost five weeks on live-aboard.